Here my, only for desktop browser

XR experience

BIOS is a virtual simulation of an ecosystem. You can explore the enviroment but there is no human kind and you're not at the apex predator, pay attention! Studying something means modifying it.

Beyond Captivity
XR experience

Beyond Captivity talks about the relationship between imagination and imprisonment, specifically it starts from the experience of Ventotene and from the human ability to know how to see beyond the difficult in the struggle.

Piazza XX e dintorni
XR experience

Open world set in a utopian or dystopian version of the city of Livorno, dream or nightmare? Work in progress

Dancing with ghosts in the EU cave
AR experience

This is a work for the EU archive of Villa Salviati. It reflects on the Europian Union motto "in varietate concordia" and how this is only applicable after having come to terms with its ghosts, such as fascist, racist and omophobic parties, etc...

Android and browser app

ARNO4Commons is a 3D landscape fully explorable, it is a photogrammetry of a small portion of terrain: the user can walk and see around from the point of view of a small creature.

Murales di San Jacopino
Painting + VR experience + browser app

This wall painting tells the story of the garden of San Jacopino and its inhabitants. The work includes a virtual and freely navigable version that collects documents and photos of its history. In collaboration with Lorenzo Tonda.

Lost the Ship
XR  documentary

Lost the ship is a non-linear documentary, similar to a video game. Realized in collaboration with Saverio Osso, the theme is that of ships dispersed in a criminal manner in Southern Italy

XR experience + live music

Poseidon is part of Teogonia a project in collaboration with Davide Martiello and Iago Bruchi. Teogonia is a musical album in which for each track there is an explorable metaverse. The work is a live show and also downloadable app.

XR experience + live music

Hera is part of Teogonia a project in collaboration with Davide Martiello and Iago Bruchi. Teogonia is a musical album in which for each track there is an explorable metaverse. The work is a live show and also downloadable app.

Souvenir du Coteto
XR experience

The objects in the scene are elements of my personal story, they try to tell my experience but they can’t because every different fruition mixes the narratives creating many other stories, changed by the continuous telling, but familiar.

XR experience + live music

Hades is part of Teogonia a project in collaboration with Davide Martiello and Iago Bruchi. Teogonia is a musical album in which for each track there is an explorable metaverse. The work is a live show and also downloadable app.

XR experience + live music

Zeus is part of Teogonia a project in collaboration with Davide Martiello and Iago Bruchi. Teogonia is a musical album in which for each track there is an explorable metaverse. The work is a live show and also downloadable app.

XR experience + live music

Zeus is part of Teogonia a project in collaboration with Davide Martiello and Iago Bruchi. Teogonia is a musical album in which for each track there is an explorable metaverse. The work is a live show and also downloadable app.

XR experience + live music

Estia is part of Teogonia a project in collaboration with Davide Martiello and Iago Bruchi. Teogonia is a musical album in which for each track there is an explorable metaverse. The work is a live show and also downloadable app.

XR experience + live music

Kronos is part of Teogonia a project in collaboration with Davide Martiello and Iago Bruchi. Teogonia is a musical album in which for each track there is an explorable metaverse. The work is a live show and also downloadable app.

ACE World
VR experience

The work tells about the experience of the ACE Micro Museum in Roma. Inside there are elements that tell about the places and the days in which it took place.
The narration is not linear, everyone can find everything, or nothing.

The possibilities of leisure
Painting + VR Experience

Works in collaboration with the painter Lorenzo Tonda for the Vacunalia Festival. It's composed by an oil painting and a VR experience for Oculus Headset.

Biosphere - The Island
Metaverse on browser

Biposphere is a metaverse for browser where musician of Biodiversità Records play their Mix for one month eachone. Biosphere deconstructs to reconstruct.
It tracks down past, present and future within the vast knowledge of internet.
The direct union of bios and digital for an ecologic sound evolution. We’re building our new home.

VR eperience

Thauma is an ancient greek word for astonishment, horror and wonder, the sensation generated by epiphany of gods. The world of Thauma is a weird and large place, made in collaboration with Lorenzo Tonda and Daniele Abo Carcassi.

Isolotto Firenze (Google Search)
Glitch on google maps

The image of this small island of the coast near Grosseto has been geolocated on Google Maps several times and mistakenly as the front image of the Isolotto (literally “small Island”) a district of Florence. Messing up Google’s indexing could be an important tool in preserving some areas of the city from gentrification and consumistic tourism.

Cratere Giotto, Mercurio
VR experience and projection

This world is loacted in the crater Giotto on mercury and tell about the story of Vicchio, home town of the painter Giotto. Guy Debord in “Theory of the Dérive” (1956) explain that in a dérive we drop our usual motives for movement and action, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters we find there.

Imboscata a Baghuz
VR experience

The scene is inspired by the story of heval Tekoser Piling (Lorenzo Orsetti). The work consists of a painting made by Lorenzo Tonda and a virtual reality of about 2 Kmq that can be explored almost freely; the sound design is reaized by Daniele ‘Abo’ Carcassi.

Dancing Mario
AR app

Dancing Mario is an augmented reality installation for Penta Space created by a question: what does owning money involve? With the smartphone as a magnifying glass we discover that all the banknotes host a small dancing Mario, who dances amiably on the surface.


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